B1302: Acer griseum

County Champion
Tree B1302
Accession number
Botanical name
Acer griseum
Common name
Year planted
Adopted for
Bradstock Price Cant Gibs
About this tree

Growing from a large shrub into a small to medium-sized tree, often multiple stemmed, reaching a height of circa 10 m (rarely higher). The most important feature and at the same time its greatest ornamental trait is the cinnamon-coloured bark, which, like a birch, peels back strongly. After a few years the bark colours into an intense brown-red. The leaves are trifoliate and dark green, the under surface being grey-green. In autumn the colour changes into a magnificent orange to crimson. The growth of the roots is shallow and densely rooted. A. griseum belongs to one of the nicest of all maples. It is an outstanding example of a tree that should be planted as a solitary and is suitable for both garden and park. It prefers a lightly acid soil.

What3Words /// hounded.hypocrite.grant

6 Figure Grid SO505513

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